Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty

Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty
Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty
Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty
Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty
Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty
Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty

Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty
Testing performed: unit has been fully tested and in good working condition. Comes as shown in the pictures: no additional accessories are included.

We will respond to you within 24 hours and do our best to help you out! Regardless of the origin of the equipment, documentation provided or identification appearing upon the equipment, the equipment described and offered here is in no way certified for, recommended for, or offered for any specific use. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies.

Vacuubrand Diaphragm Vacuum Pump MD-1C Tested Working Warranty

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